The archive contains reports and events that are more than 24 months (2 years) old.

More recent reports and events (less than 24 months old) may be found under the News and Events menu items.

You may contact the DRM SA GROUP if you wish to contribute items to the Archive.

DRM SA Platform: Workshop of 27th July

A breakfast event was held on this date,  with the purpose of updating our members on the latest developments.

A presentation of the Global uptake of DRM was received from the DRM Consortium and shared with those in attendance. Also, feedback was given regarding the presentations made to ICASA (our SA regulatory authority) by our members the week before,  on the case for Digital Sound Broadcasting. Both the standards of DRM and DAB+ were emphasised as being suitable for SA (and the region) and the point was made and supported by most that the two standards could comfortably co-exist. Feedback was also given about the WECODEC test results on DRM+.